Schema Visualizer + Firebase (coming soon)

Import and visualize your Firebase data models using Schema Visualizer as collaboration platform to improve your data models faster.

Get started

Data model visualization for Firebase data models

With Schema Visualizer you can turn your Firebase data model source code files into entity relationship diagrams, table views and graphs to collaborate with your team internally and externally.

Get started by connecting your GitHub repository and importing your Firebase files in your repo to get a shareable Schema Visualizer link right away.

Collaborate with your Team

Get together in Schema Visualizer to comment, discuss and iterate over your data model as a team.

You can invite internal as well as external stakeholders of the project to view, comment or edit the data model in Schema Visualizer.

Document your data models

Use your visualized data models as documentation that is always up-to-date, attached to your pull-requests and embeddable in your wiki.

All diagrams generated by Schema Visualizer are available online to be used as shareable URL to be used in Notion or other systems.

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