Visualize your GraphQL schemas
Schema Visualizer is the collaboration platform for building, visualizing, and documenting your GraphQL schemas.
Integrated toolkit
Turn your GraphQL API schema into a graph view powered by Schema Visualizer. Get a toolkit of life-saving features and save your time.
Multiplayer documentation
Bring people together and work right in action. Get feedback in real-time, and build at scale with suggestions and comments.
Organize your data model
Color code your types with labels and group them together. Go from API schema code to an elaborated map of your schema in your browser.
No-code API implementation
Schema Visualizer toolkits do not stop at the visualization step. Expand and scale your API schema with new fields and type definitions. Build also data model in JSON, Prisma, and APIs in Protobuf.
Ready to turbo-charge your next software development project?
Get started today for free and stay up to date with your upcoming new features and integrations with your favorite services.