Release version 1.3

Published: 2024-02-23


Our second release for 2024 includes updates for collaboration and API building. The new release version 1.3 has the following highlights:

API tab with POST endpoint

In version 1.3, we are introducing a new API tab available in a new left menu bar on the editor page.

The API tab provides you with an HTTP endpoint that you can POST your payload and import into Schema Visualizer.

This is helpful for building webhooks and integrating with services that rely on HTTP requests.

Creating files in Schema Visualizer from webhook payloads enables you to share these with others to clarify integration requirements quickly internally or with external partners.

API tab with endpoint
API tab with endpoint

Real-time position & live cursor

We are introducing real-time position and live cursor in the visualization.

Schema Visualizer's core value is to enable real-time collaboration and we are taking a step further with this feature.

You can now see the position of other users in the visualization to follow along when in meetings to discuss changes or specific models or fields together.

Besides the real-time position, we now update the node position in the visualization in real-time to keep everything in sync during collaboration.

Live cursor
Live cursor

Export all

Our export feature allows you to export the entire visualization, not just the current viewport.

Exporting the whole visualization is useful when you want to share the whole model with others or use it in your documentation for a complete overview.

Export all
Export all

Teaser: CLI launching on Product Hunt

We are excited to announce that we are launching our new CLI for local development on Product Hunt in March.

Visit our coming soon page and click notify me to get notified when we launch:

Schema Visualizer CLI on Product Hunt

More details on the CLI will be announced during launch day.

Hubql CLI
Hubql CLI

UX Improvements & Fixes

The following UX improvements and fixes have been made in version 1.3:

  • Unlimited nested JSON levels
    We removed the limitation of 4 levels of nested JSON files. You can now have unlimited levels of nested JSON object children.
  • Drag & drop multiple files
    You can now drag and drop multiple files into the upload file tab when creating new files.
  • File name changes
    File names are now updated in real-time.
  • Save process
    We have fixed a few issues in the save process to make it more reliable and faster.
  • Save node position
    We improved the save node position process, and while it is now real-time, we also fixed the consistency of saving the positions.


In the next release, you can expect more integrations such as Supabase, Hasura, and more.

Furthermore, we will support unlimited nested children for XML files and more improvements to application performance.


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